- Starring Edie Campbell, Sophie Hicks, Roddy Campbell, Olympia Campbell, Arthur Campbell, Joan Campbell, Jeremy Campbell and Otis Ferry by Tim Walker
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Lanvin. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Lanvin. Mostrar todas las entradas
Top 10 Fashion Campaigns Autumn/Winter 2014
Alexander McQueen
Bottega Veneta
Louis Vuitton
Marc Jacobs
Stella McCartney
The top 7 fashion topics of the week | January 13th - 19th
Elige a Alessandra Ambrosio como imagen para la campaña de primavera.
Chooses Alessandra Ambrosio as starring for its spring campaign.
Chooses Alessandra Ambrosio as starring for its spring campaign.
Desvela las primeras imágenes de su campaña SS14 obra de Steven Klein.
Unveils first images from its new SS14 campaign by Steven Klein.
Unveils first images from its new SS14 campaign by Steven Klein.
Celebra su 125 aniversario compartiendo en sus redes sociales algunas maravillosas y nunca vistas ilustraciones antiguas.
Celebrates its 125th anniversary sharing on its social media profiles never-seen-before illustrations from its archive.
Nos deja con la boca abierta con la imagen de su nueva campaña en la que más que vender la colección parece buscar estar en boca de todos.
Leaves us speechless with its new campaign with no collection images at all.
Leaves us speechless with its new campaign with no collection images at all.
Valentino abre su primera tienda insignia en París (273 Rue Saint-Honoré) dedicada exclusivamente a la colección masculina.
Opens its first flagship store in Paris (273 Rue Saint-Honoré) dedicated only for menswear collection.
Repite escenario (calles de Manhattan) y modelo (Cara Delevigne) para su campaña SS14.
Repeats scenario (streets of Manhattan) and model (Cara Delevigne) for its SS14 campaign.
Repeats scenario (streets of Manhattan) and model (Cara Delevigne) for its SS14 campaign.
Abre tienda de cosmética y perfumes en Covent Garden, Londres.
Opens a cosmetics and perfume shop in Covent Garden, London.
Alexander Wang
Bolsas de basura: next "it" bag
Si estabas ahorrando para hacerte con el bolso "it" de la próxima temporada, déjalo y ahorra para otra cosa. En la próxima primavera/verano no reinará un bolso, lo hará una bolsa. No tendrá bolsillos, ni hebillas, ni asa. Y tampoco será de piel, sino de plástico.
En la próxima temporada, lo-más-de-lo-más será llevar una bolsa de basura en la mano. Sí, has leido bien. Así lo ha dejado caer Alber Elbaz, director creativo de Lanvin en su
desfile primavera/verano 2014
If you were saving to buy the "it" bag for next season, leave it! and save it for something else. Next spring/summer the king won't be a handbag with pockets, buckles or handle. Neither it will be of leather. Next season the must-have will be a trash bag. Yes, you have read it correctly. Alber Elbaz, Lanvin's creative director said it so on its SS14 runway show .
If you were saving to buy the "it" bag for next season, leave it! and save it for something else. Next spring/summer the king won't be a handbag with pockets, buckles or handle. Neither it will be of leather. Next season the must-have will be a trash bag. Yes, you have read it correctly. Alber Elbaz, Lanvin's creative director said it so on its SS14 runway show .

¿Locura? Ya veremos.
Madness? We'll see.
Lanvin AW13 | 6 faces a woman can have by Edie Campbell
Hay campañas buenas. Muy buenas. Y maravillosas. Sólo después están las que yo considero obras de arte, clasificación que hago cuando colgaría alguno (o todos) de sus visuales en cualquier parte de mi casa. Y eso es lo que haría con la nueva campaña AW13 de Lanvin. Dirigida por el maestro en fotografia Steven Meisel y protagonizada por la modelo Edie Campell, este espectáculo visual explora seis facetas diferentes de la personalidad femenina a través del vestido, pieza clave de la colección.
Creo que tengo un problema. Ahora no sólo quiero un Lanvin colgado en mi vestidor, también lo quiero en el salón.
There are good campaigns. Very good campaigns. And wonderful ones!. Only after that, there are the ones I consider masterpieces, those I would hang anywhere at home. So it is the new AW13 Lanvin campaign. Directed by the photographer Steven Meisel and starring by the model Edie Campbell, this campaign explores six different faces a women can have through the dress, the key of the collection.
There are good campaigns. Very good campaigns. And wonderful ones!. Only after that, there are the ones I consider masterpieces, those I would hang anywhere at home. So it is the new AW13 Lanvin campaign. Directed by the photographer Steven Meisel and starring by the model Edie Campbell, this campaign explores six different faces a women can have through the dress, the key of the collection.
I think I have a problem. Not only I want a Lanvin hanging in my closet, but also in the livingroom.
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