El diseñador de zapatos (y dueño y señor de la suela roja)
Christian Louboutin
conoce muy bien a la mujer. Sabe lo que nos gusta un tacón y, también, lo que nos cuesta volver al gimnasio después de las vacaciones. Y con estos dos sentimientos de "amor-odio" ha creado su catálogo pre-fall 2015.
The shoe designer and master of red soles Christian Louboutin knows women very well. He knows how much we love heels and also how much we hate going back to gym after holidays. And with these two feelings "love vs hate" he has created an original pre-fall 2015 catalog. Ready?
The shoe designer and master of red soles Christian Louboutin knows women very well. He knows how much we love heels and also how much we hate going back to gym after holidays. And with these two feelings "love vs hate" he has created an original pre-fall 2015 catalog. Ready?