Si el 13 de agosto de 1942, día que se estrenó la película Bambi en Estados Unidos, alguien le hubiera dicho al señor Walt Disney que su inocente cervatillo de cola blanca se convertía en un icono del mundo de la moda 72 años más tarde, apuesto a que no se lo hubiera creído ni él, ni nadie.
If on August 13th 1942, date in which "Bambi the movie" was released in the United States, someone had told Mr. Walt Disney that its innocent whitetail deer would become an icon of the fashion world 72 years later, I bet neither him nor anyone else have believed it.
If on August 13th 1942, date in which "Bambi the movie" was released in the United States, someone had told Mr. Walt Disney that its innocent whitetail deer would become an icon of the fashion world 72 years later, I bet neither him nor anyone else have believed it.