Si estabas ahorrando para hacerte con el bolso "it" de la próxima temporada, déjalo y ahorra para otra cosa. En la próxima primavera/verano no reinará un bolso, lo hará una bolsa. No tendrá bolsillos, ni hebillas, ni asa. Y tampoco será de piel, sino de plástico.
En la próxima temporada, lo-más-de-lo-más será llevar una bolsa de basura en la mano. Sí, has leido bien. Así lo ha dejado caer Alber Elbaz, director creativo de Lanvin en su
desfile primavera/verano 2014
If you were saving to buy the "it" bag for next season, leave it! and save it for something else. Next spring/summer the king won't be a handbag with pockets, buckles or handle. Neither it will be of leather. Next season the must-have will be a trash bag. Yes, you have read it correctly. Alber Elbaz, Lanvin's creative director said it so on its SS14 runway show .
If you were saving to buy the "it" bag for next season, leave it! and save it for something else. Next spring/summer the king won't be a handbag with pockets, buckles or handle. Neither it will be of leather. Next season the must-have will be a trash bag. Yes, you have read it correctly. Alber Elbaz, Lanvin's creative director said it so on its SS14 runway show .

¿Locura? Ya veremos.
Madness? We'll see.