El frío parece que ha llegado (de verdad) para quedarse y qué mejor antídoto que el "pelo" para sobrellevar las bajas temperaturas. Una prenda que, lejos de quedarse estancada en el público maduro al que iba dirigido hace unos años, ha sabido renovarse en formas, aplicaciones y colores para conquistar el corazón de jóvenes de todos los estilos.
Freezing days are already here and nothing better than fur clothing to survive them. This garment far from belonging to the mature people who was aimed for, it has managed to renew itself in forms, applications and colors to conquer the hearts of young people from all styles.
Freezing days are already here and nothing better than fur clothing to survive them. This garment far from belonging to the mature people who was aimed for, it has managed to renew itself in forms, applications and colors to conquer the hearts of young people from all styles.