De suerte. Así estamos los amantes de la moda y la fotografía. Mondo Galería abre la temporada expositiva 14/15 con "Coutures". Una exposición de
Joséphine Douet
para perderse en las bambalinas de los desfiles más codiciados de París
If you love photography and fashion and also you are coming soon to Madrid don't miss "Coutures" by J oséphine Doute . A photo exhibition to get lost in the backstage of the most coveted Paris fashion shows until october 18th in Mondo Galería.
If you love photography and fashion and also you are coming soon to Madrid don't miss "Coutures" by J oséphine Doute . A photo exhibition to get lost in the backstage of the most coveted Paris fashion shows until october 18th in Mondo Galería.