Está demostrado que las mejores ideas de negocio no siempre surgen de grandes estudios de mercado. Algunas, como ésta que os conté
, han nacido de las situaciones más cotidianas que os podais imaginar. Y eso es lo que, justamente, le pasó a Laura Sánchez. Modelo, fotógrafa ocasional y ahora diseñadora de Bloomers & Bikini, la marca de moda casual para una mujer natural, a la que le gusta mucho el color y lleva la comodidad por bandera.
Not always best business ideas come from a deeply market research. Some, like I told you
, were born in a daily situation. And that's what happened to Laura Sánchez, model, occasional photographer and now designer of Bloomers & Bikini, her casual fashion brand for a natural woman that loves coloured and comfortable clothing.
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Foto © T a l e S t r i p |
A las playas de Tarifa, donde Laura suele pasar gran parte de sus veranos, acudía una agentina ambulante cargada con la típica bolsa de basura (limpia) pero llena de bloomers o braguitas-bikini. Un día, Laura se cruzó con ella y le gustó mucho el tejido y patrón de las piezas que desde el otro lado del Atlántico traía aquella mujer, así que le compró uno. Pasó un año, volvió a Tarifa, se la volvió a encontrar y le compró tres. Pasó otro, la buscó y le compró 10. Y un día, cuando le pidió a su pareja que tenían que ir a comprar sus braguitas como cada verano, éste le hizo la pregunta que cambiaría parte del curso de su vida: Si te gusta tanto ese producto, tú que en moda lo has visto todo, ¿por qué no lo diseñas tú misma? Y la respuesta a esa gran pregunta es Bloomers & Bikini.
Laura loves Tarifa where she goes to spend part of her summertime. Time ago an argetina women used to to the beach carrying a huge plastic bag full of bloomers. One day, Laura saw her and loved the fabric and pattern of ther products so she bought one. One year later, she returned to Tarifa and found again that women so bought three bloomers and year after year did it so. One day, when Laura asked her boyfrind go to Tarifa in order to buy her bloomers as every summer, he asked her the question that would change part of Laura's life: If you like this kind of product so much, why don't you design it by yourself? And the answer to that question is Bloomers & Bikini.
Laura loves Tarifa where she goes to spend part of her summertime. Time ago an argetina women used to to the beach carrying a huge plastic bag full of bloomers. One day, Laura saw her and loved the fabric and pattern of ther products so she bought one. One year later, she returned to Tarifa and found again that women so bought three bloomers and year after year did it so. One day, when Laura asked her boyfrind go to Tarifa in order to buy her bloomers as every summer, he asked her the question that would change part of Laura's life: If you like this kind of product so much, why don't you design it by yourself? And the answer to that question is Bloomers & Bikini.
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Foto © T a l e S t r i p |
Muchos meses de trabajo, formación y viajes a Argentina para conocer e importar aquel producto y patrón vieron la luz la primavera del 2102 con la llegada de la primera colección basada en un concepto de braguita-bikini (según se quiera) y talla única. Un año después y avalada por un éxito arrollador, la nueva colección evoluciona hacia un tallaje universal (S-M-L) y una linea de camisetas y sudaderas que, aunque pensada para la mujer, muchos de sus modelos podrían ser unisex.
Hard work, many training sessions and travels to Argentina to learn how that product was made turned into the first collection on the spring of 2102 based on an one size product as underwear or bikini. One year later and endorsed by an overwhelming success, the new collection evolves to an universal sizing (S-M-L) and also has a line of t-shirts and sweatshirts that although designed for women, many of their models could be unisex.
Hard work, many training sessions and travels to Argentina to learn how that product was made turned into the first collection on the spring of 2102 based on an one size product as underwear or bikini. One year later and endorsed by an overwhelming success, the new collection evolves to an universal sizing (S-M-L) and also has a line of t-shirts and sweatshirts that although designed for women, many of their models could be unisex.
Colores vivos, estampados inimaginables (todos dibujados personalmente por Laura ) y un proceso de elaboración muy estricto donde se cuida tanto el tejido, como el tinte son los ingredientes perfectos de unas prendas cómodas y versátiles que se están convirtiendo en básicos para figuras muy diferentes, pero de un mismo estilo de mujer.
Full of colours, cool prints (all designed by Laura) and a very strict production process are the result of a versatile and comfortable brand that is becoming a basic product for women with different shape but same style.
Full of colours, cool prints (all designed by Laura) and a very strict production process are the result of a versatile and comfortable brand that is becoming a basic product for women with different shape but same style.
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Foto © T a l e S t r i p |
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Foto © T a l e S t r i p |
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Foto © T a l e S t r i p |
Toca disfrutar del verano. Del color. De la comodidad. Y toca hacerlo de una forma divertida y original. Porque, como bien dice Laura, hace tiempo que la tendencia está en no llevar el biniki uniforme.
It's time to enjoy the summer in a funny and different way. Because, as Laura says, it's trendy wearing a non-uniform biniki.
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